A New Solution For Signals Intelligence
Spectrum monitoring and signals intelligence (SIGINT) have been critical components of security and intelligence operations. Typically, personnel working in the SIGINT area have required bulky and relatively expensive equipment, limiting their ability to perform critical tasks in the field, due to weight and processing constraints. The recent introduction of small, portable spectrum analyzers has helped to increase the ability of field personnel to accomplish critical spectrum-monitoring tasks. However, these portable units typically lack the ability to demodulate digital signals. The demodulation of these signals plays a vital role in SIGINT operations as information can be extracted through a number of different techniques, thus allowing personnel access to sensitive information and helping them to be more efficient in their mission.
This article will describe how National Instruments and Summitek Instruments partnered to develop a platform that offers spectrum-monitoring and signal-demodulation capabilities in a compact, portable form. In combining efforts, the companies have produced an easy-to-use, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution for spectrum monitoring and demodulation of off-air signals requiring little software/hardware development.
SIGINT is a general term used to describe the discipline of identifying and collecting intelligence from communications (COMINT) or electronic (ELINT) sources. From the collection and analysis of data from communications and other electronic sources (such as radars, aircraft transponders, etc.), vital information pertaining to diplomatic or military operations is gained and available for use in the event of a conflict. With the advent of the modern electronic battlefield, SIGINT has played a critical role in providing strategic intelligence to battlefield commanders. The ability to intercept and decode an adversary's communication regarding troop movements or identifying the location of air defense radar systems has provided invaluable assistance in protecting national interests.
In the past, SIGINT was used in World War II to intercept Japanese military communication, locate German U-Boats using direction-finding techniques (in addition to intercepting communications), and monitor enemy troop movements. The equipment used in communications and subsequently to capture vital information from these sources was typically extremely large, was not very portable, and required large antenna arrays to receive the desired signals. Today, technology has allowed communication to become small, lightweight, and extremely portable, just like a cell phone. The advancement of technology in providing highly sophisticated mobile communications has also generated the need to develop equally mobile SIGINT tools for capturing these communications.
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Application Note: A New Solution For Signals Intelligence