Crystal Notch Filter - AS10CN801
Datasheet: Crystal Notch Filter - AS10CN801
Anatech lumped-element (LC) bandstop filters are available from 500 kHz to 5 GHz with 2 to 8 sections, notch bandwidth from 1% to 20%, and passband-to-notch ratios from 2:1 to 20:1. They have a high Q factor that results in lower insertion loss and greater selectivity. Standard response types include 0.05-dB Chebyshev, Butterworth, elliptic, and Bessel. Anatech LC bandstop filters range in size from 1 to more than 10 in. long and the width and height vary depending on the application. Power handling capability is up to 500 W. The filters are available in surface mount, connectorized, printed circuit board mount, drop-in, and other configurations.
Product Specifications
Notch Center Frequency: 10 MHz
Notch Bandwidth: 1 KHz
Rejection @ Notch Bandwidth: 80 dB
Low Side Passband: 9.899-9.999
High Side Passband: 10.001-10.201
Insertion Loss in Low Side Passband: 1.3 dB beyond 10 MHz /- 3 KHz
Insertion Loss in High Side Passband: 1.3 dB beyond 10 MHz /- 3 KHz
Power Handling: Up to 10 dBm
Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 1 in.
Connector Type: SMA (F)
Datasheet: Crystal Notch Filter - AS10CN801