
Filters For Satellite Communication

Source: Anatech Electronics Inc.
Anatech Electronics manufactures standard and custom filters and Duplexers for Satellite Communication applications. Custom Filters and Duplexers vary from 0.1 MHz – 20 GHz and can be used in L Band, INMARSAT, S Band, C Band, X Band and Ku Band applications.

Anatech Electronics manufactures standard and custom filters and Duplexers for Satellite Communication applications. Custom Filters and Duplexers vary from 0.1 MHz – 20 GHz and can be used in L Band, INMARSAT, S Band, C Band, X Band and Ku Band applications.

AE1542B556 and AE1542B964 are some of our ceramic Bandpass filters at 1542 MHz. These filters are 34 MHz wide and are able to reject DCS and PCs Bands by about 30dB. AE1600D173 and AE1600D809 are Monoblock Ceramic Duplexers in the frequency range of 1524 to 1560/1626.5 to 1660.5 MHz. Ceramic Filters provide low loss, good rejection in very a small size. These filters are typically used in surface mount applications.

B9506 is one of our Cavity Bandpass filters at 1542 MHz used in INMARSAT Communication. This filter has a Bandwidth of 36 MHz and has 60dB at GSM and DCS, PCS frequencies. Cavity filters have better filter characteristics than Ceramic filters but are larger is size. DB5248 is an INMARSAT Combiner with two internal bandpass filters covering the TX and RX band of INMARSAT.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: Ceramic Bandpass Filter AE1542B556
Datasheet: Ceramic Bandpass Filter AE1542B964
Datasheet: Ceramic Duplexer AE1600D173
Datasheet: Ceramic Duplexer AE1600D809
Datasheet: Cavity Bandpass Filter B9506
Datasheet: Cavity Duplexer/Combiner DB5248