
Ultra-Wideband Chip Antenna

Johanson Technology, Inc. recently released the 3100AT51A7200 Ultra Wide Band antenna. The 3100AT51A7200 has the widest bandwidth of any available antenna for the UWB market. It covers the full range of 3.1 to 10.3 GHz with a peak gain of 1.5 dBi and a guaranteed minimum return loss of 9.5 db

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Datasheet: Ultra-Wideband Chip Antenna

Johanson Technology, Inc. recently released the 3100AT51A7200 Ultra Wide Band antenna. The 3100AT51A7200 has the widest bandwidth of any available antenna for the UWB market. It covers the full range of 3.1 to 10.3 GHz with a peak gain of 1.5 dBi and a guaranteed minimum return loss of 9.5 db.

The compact antenna allows the designer to exploit the entire UWB band to meet the demands of this emerging market. Samples are available for immediate delivery. Ultra Wide Band is a short distance high data rate personal data rate Personal Area Network protocol.

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Datasheet: Ultra-Wideband Chip Antenna